share EA marti lagi nih..
ea ini paling cocok di TF 30,.,
berikut ini setingan defaul beserta fungsi masing masing inputan nya..
//--- User Input input string SmartAssTradeV2 = "Copyright © 2014 3RJ ~ Roy Philips-Jacobs"; input string SmartAssTradeV2TF = "SmartAssTrade-V2 EA's Only Use on M30 Timeframes"; input int SmartAssTradeV2Period = PERIOD_M30; extern bool FridayTrade = True; // If True, EA still trading at Friday input string OptimizationLots = "Set LotsOptimization=True"; extern bool LotsOptimization = True; // If True, Lots wil calculation by EA, default Lots size = 0.01" extern double Lots = 0.01; // If LotsOptimization=False, Lots adjusted by user extern int MaxOpenOrder = 12; // Maximum Allowed for Open Order (Maximum Pairs to Trade = 12 pairs) // PAIRS: EURAUD,AUDUSD,EURUSD,NZDUSD,GBPUSD,GBPCHF,USDCHF,USDCAD,USDJPY,GBPJPY,EURJPY,EURGBP // input string AutomaticSystemTP = "Set AutomaticTakeProfit=True or False"; extern bool AutomaticTakeProfit = True; // TP will calculation by EA and Automatic TP by EA extern bool NoMinimumTakeProfit = False; // True or False -> If Set True, 100% TP by EA not use minimum TP. input string MinimumSystemTP = "If Set NoMinimumTakeProfit=False"; // TP by EA on minimum TP values extern double MinimumTP = 27; // Minimum TP by EA on the AutomaticTakeProfit=True function, default value 27 input string ManualSystemTP = "If Set AutomaticTakeProfit=False"; // TP by Terminal MT4 (same as manual trading) extern double TakeProfit = 35; // TP by System, values can adjust by user, default value 35 input string AutomaticSystemSL = "Set AutomaticStopLoss=True"; extern bool AutomaticStopLoss = True; // SL will calculation by EA input string ManualSystemSL = "If Set AutomaticStopLoss=False"; // SL values can adjusted by user extern double StopLoss = 62; // SL adjusted by user, default value 62 extern bool UseTrailingStop = False; // Use Trailing Stop, True (Yes) or False (Not) extern double TrailingStop = 30.0; // If Use Trailing Stop True, input Trailing Stop Value, default value 30 extern double TrailingStopStep = 1.0; // Input Trailing Stop Step Value (default 1.0) //---
In testing below, I used the Lots size = 1.00 (LotsOptimization = False) with the default settings mentioned above.
May be useful for fellow traders.

oke langsung saja deh di coba,,,,